Hemp Crop Insurance Coverage Available for 2020
Roddric Bell, USDA Risk Management Agency, Regional Director
Tennessee Hemp Industry…Past, Present & Future
Joe Kirkpatrick, Past President TN Hemp Industries Assoc, President/Chief Lobbyist TN Growers
Hemp Production in TN
Bill Corbin, Hemp grower & Founder of Corbin Sciences
Enterprise Budgets for Hemp production
Dr. Tyler Mark, University of Kentucky Ag. Economist
Dr. Tyler Mark, University of Kentucky Ag. EconomistJonathan Shepherd, UK Ag. Economics Farm Management Specialist
Understanding Legal challenges related to Hemp
Captain R.C. Christian, TN Highway Patrol
Hemp Market Profile…Understanding the Market!
Mark Case, CEO HKH Industries, Hemp Processor in Huntsville, TN
Hemp Insect & Disease Update
Zach Hansen, University of Tennessee Asst. Professor and Extension Specialist